9 Ways to See Differently

Let’s celebrate October as Blindness Awareness Month, and dip into the following sentiments from my book, ‘Blindness for Beginners: a renewed vision of the possible.’ which can help you to see differently.

‘Focus on seeing through a different lens,
the lens that focuses on teamwork and cooperation.’

Maribel Steel

What to do with Butterfly Thoughts

One way I confront my fears when I am sensing a measure of doubt or anxiety is to use my mental butterfly net to see differently and catch the negative emotion, sit with it for a few minutes and see it for what it is: a fearful thought, weighing down my heart with deep concern. Then I let it go.
Once I am aware of how the thought is making me feel, I can create a different viewpoint. I accept that I am human and mistakes are made. Life happens. I heed the voice of resilience. I really do believe that each day is granted to us as a new opportunity to try again, to give strong support to our aspirations. Here are some of my insights . . .


a woman stacks small plates in a matrix of shelves
‘Your confidence will grow as you discover that to relax with low vision is to develop skills in micro-management.’


a woman looks into a dark Neolithic cave to see differently
‘One challenge is keeping the balance right, still enjoying life even as sight fades and maintaining emotional stability.’


a family silhouetted against the sun and  sea
‘Be the spiritual warrior, not worrier, of your future.’


a woman balances on a railway line
‘To remain confident is to walk the ‘tightrope of life and the gift of courage is our balancing pole.’


on a beach a child helps a blind woman see differently
‘Take one day at a time and know it is possible to recalibrate your life with new options.’


a woman kneels down beside her guide dog
‘Assess your needs and concerns and find the best supports that already exist to help you get to where you want to be.’


a man and a woman push opposite sides of a large standing stone
‘Unique challenges will emerge…a practical solution is often not far away.’


see differently as a blind driver of a bicycle cart
‘It is not so much being vision-impaired that will bar the way forward but how we react to oncoming obstacles.’


clothed woman standing n shallows about to fall backwards
‘Life can take us on an amazing adventure; it’s all in the letting go of expectations and see differently: staying open to new experiences.’


We are working hard behind the scenes to release the full audio book soon! Write to me if you would like to know when it becomes available: maribel@springstudio.com.au, Remember print copies are available now!

Content Copyright © Maribel Steel 2019
Photography Copyright ©Harry Williamson 2019

Book Details here – write to me for special October Offer

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