Behind the scenes of Self Publishing
What better way to leave a legacy to your family than to self-publish your own book. Come behind the scenes to discover how I created my first book with my sighted helpers.
What better way to leave a legacy to your family than to self-publish your own book. Come behind the scenes to discover how I created my first book with my sighted helpers.
There is a magical world available to each one of us that can see with our eyes closed when we are really ‘in touch’ with the world around us.
Are you blind or vision-impaired and a care-giver for your family? Here are some tips in how to recharge your emotional batteries if you find yourself in this situation.
I am often asked the question by sighted theatre lovers, ‘What’s the point of going to a live show if you’re blind?’ For the same reason as anyone else – to enjoy the performance. After experiencing my first audio-described musical a couple of years ago, I am truly hooked and recommend you try it too. […]
Sighted friends may wonder why a blind person would even consider going to an art gallery if they can’t see the artwork? It’s the interaction, the feeling prompted by being spontaneous and learning to show and tell a story with your sighted companion that sparks the heart and imagination. As a writer, I usually plan […]
Have you noticed how children have the ability to expect anything their hearts desire? They dream big, persist with requests and sit back and wait for their grand imaginings to be delivered – and without too much delay. As writers, we can learn a thing or two from our creative youngsters. ‘Without leaps of imagination […]
In loving memory of Nev, my guiding eyes and special friend. 1998-2012. When I was just fifteen months old I graduated from Guide Dog school. It was a very proud moment in my puppy dog life – my family were there at my Graduation and they were so proud of me. We couldn’t believe that […]
‘everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else’ Will Rogers I am remembering how, nearly thirty years ago, my sighted daughter gave me a new outlook on motherhood by helping me to see through her curious eyes. From the moment she could string coherent words together, Claire was able to bring obscure […]
When were you diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)?
These two strange-sounding words didn’t enter my vocabulary until I was fifteen, and even then, I didn’t understand their meaning.
Have you ever wondered how a writer with vision-impairment or total blindness is able to operate a computer without seeing the screen? How do they move around in Cyber-space without cursing the cursor? How do they craft their work writing blind?