Blindness for Beginners: a Renewed Vision of the Possible
For Immediate Release
One in 50 people in Australia experience a degree of vision loss.
A new book that is a fascinating blend of memoir and self help is being launched at Writer’s Victoria on 26th April, 2019:Blindness for Beginners: a renewed vision of the possible offers creative ways to approach vision loss. Based on the author’s personal experience, the book demystifies what it really means to be ‘blind’, providing practical suggestions to those coping with loss of sight.
Author Maribel Steel, who is legally blind, reveals how she changed a life-challenge into a lifestyle she can manage and enjoy, and shows how people who are vision-impaired can retain their independence in daily living activities. The sighted reader learns how to support and encourage friends and family with vision loss, and how to avoid awkward interactions and common misconceptions about blindness.
Losing sight is a life-challenge most people are not prepared to face.
In Part One, the author describes her own struggle and tells the story of her own journey to acceptance.
Part Two focuses on strategies for the ‘beginner to blindness’ and their families.
Part Three offers techniques on being an effective sighted guide, and discusses appropriate language and behaviours when meeting a person with a visual disability.
‘The most uplifting self-help book I’ve read this year. The autobiographical anecdotes from Maribel’s life are the most inspiring part.’
Hazel Edwards OAM,Author, Patron:Society of Women Writers VIC
Maribel Steel is a freelance writer, Indie author, motivational speaker and positive vision educator based in Melbourne. She is legally blind, the mother of 4 children, a keen traveller and an award-winning blogger and Toastmaster. She writes for VisionAware (USA) and was awarded a High Commendation in the Write-Ability Fellowships (Vic). She recently trained with her second guide dog, and is discovering a whole new world of possibilities.
The book is available for purchase or review from the author. Copies will be
available on the night of the book launch. An audio book is currently in
production. The author is available for interviews prior to the launch.
Door prizes . . .Book Reading . . .Author Q & A
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Author: Maribel Steel
E: maribel@springstudio.com.au
M: 0417 755 413
W: www.maribelsteel.com