Maribel loves to ‘walk her talk’
and has a creative, authentic and engaging public speaking style.
She is an award-winning public speaker and experienced presenter and has given motivational presentations and interactive learning sessions for local and international audiences.
We all learned so much and the kids thoroughly enjoyed the sharing of your experiences, equipment and the tactile supports you use, perfectly complemented our unit on the five senses and added so much value to the students’ knowledge and understanding. We will definitely be asking you back next year.’
Brooke Sacco, Prep Teacher Bentleigh West Primary School
I liked it when Maribel showed us all the cool gadgets
I liked how Maribel talked about how when she goes into the shops, she can go up to people and ask for help and they will help her
Maribel is often invited to speak at primary schools, disability forums, Vocational Training Groups and has given keynote speeches for Vision Rehabilitation Therapists and students of Optometry.
‘Your presentation at the ODSC was truly inspirational. The optimism, tenacity, and sense of humour demonstrated in your life stories will surely be the
Joey, Optometry student, University of Melbourne Doctor of Optometry Student Conference 2022
light that guides and warms the ones in the dark. Those stories have equipped me with new perspectives that will help me become a better clinician in the future.

Public Speaking by Maribel:
- Meeting Place Forum 2022, Arts Access Australia
- Melbourne University Opthalmology students
- Vision Australia Public Speaking for Job Seekers
- 50 Shades of Bias Workshop Co-facilitator
- Society of Women Writers Festival
- Writers Victoria Public Speaking workshop
- U3A Wheelers Hill & U3A Mornington
- Women with Disability Victoria Panelist
- Guide Dogs Victoria Graduation
- AIMS Australia
- Brotherhood St Lawrence
- Traveler’s Aid
- Toastmasters Conference Victoria
- American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Leadership Conference
- Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired USA
- American Rehabilitation Therapists (AVRT) Conference
- American Printing House for the Blind webinar
- Palo Alto Toastmasters & Menlo Park Toastmasters California
A Diverse Range Public Speaking Topics
You can choose from the following topics, or request a new one for your organisation!
Seeing Beyond Blindness
An exploration of what it was like to be diagnosed at seventeen with Retinitis Pigmentosa and overcoming the challenges for disability groups, health professionals and colleges.,
Living with Possibility: 7 Key ways to Unlock Your Potential
an inspiring presentation with colour slides for secondary students, women’s organisations and social groups who are interested in developing their potential in 7 key ways.
Travelling Blind – Are We There Yet?
an entertaining presentation with colour slides to fascinate an audience of all ages and abilities!
Writing Memoir – How to Share your Story
for new writers, libraries and writers workshops, with tip and helpful worksheets
‘I came thinking it was a standard memoir writing class but to my surprise it opened many doors to writing fiction too.’
Bishnu Addison
Each Presentation is:
- trimmed and tailored to suit the interest of the group –
- suited to a varied audience – school children, staff of an organisation, clients of charities
- highly informative and interactive
- open to discussion and in-depth questions
Public Speaking Fees & Bookings
For schools and One-off presentations, Maribel follows the recommended Australian Society of Authors Speaking rates.
Book Me
Please email or phone for more details
Mob: 0417 755 413
‘Any time we help create shared vision and strategy, we empower ourselves and others.’ Anon