a children’s book by Silver Farnham & Maribel Steel

What could be more delightful than to create a children’s book with the little people in your life? Maribel and her grand-daughter, Silver, have created a storybook inspired by their mutual love for entering the enchanted world of story making. The stories…
- Pony and Caticorn in The Magic Forest
- The Mermaid with the Missing Tail
- Terriwinkle’s Dream Magic
- The Giant Toadstool
- Eva and the Orca Whale
- Hopper and the Fairy Queen of Caramel Castle
What is ‘piggy-back writing’
Maribel coined the term ‘piggy-back writing’ to describe helping a young reader become a young writer and produce a children’s book to share with friends!
Order your Print Copy by writing to Maribel: maribel@springstudio.com.au
Once upon a time, in a land far above the rainbow, there lived Pony and Caticorn. They were the best of friends…
Wow! Maribel! This looks so exciting! What a creative and delightful gift for you and Silver to share and then to share it on to the world! What a pair you are. Thank you.